There are real barriers to women who want to give their career their all. Power structures formed by bias, preconceptions that can have you judged before you prove yourself, unconscious and conscious discrimination. Beyond the real barriers they create in the outside world, they create them on the inside, as well. Fear is one of the greatest barriers of all. We’re going to look at how it can affect you and how you can battle it.
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Are you wondering why your career is stalling a little? Or maybe you’re just in need of a change in attitude so that you can achieve more going forward? Whatever your situation, taking action right now is essential if you want to take your professional life to the next level and make your career something more than it is at the moment. Read on to find out which steps you should be taking right now, and then start taking action to improve your professional life.
There’s no one single route towards building a successful career and life; however, there are ways to increase your chances. Aside from looking like you mean business and backing it up with determination and enthusiasm, the best way to boost your odds is to always have an open mind when it comes to learning. Most people tend to put their learning days behind them once they leave school, but there are always ways to learn! (This blog is proof this old dog can learn new tricks) And in doing so, you can never quite be sure where that knowledge is going to take you.
Let’s face it, money is pretty vital in the world we live in, but even more vital than money is the resource of time. Ever feel like you are running against a stopwatch? Time is an often overlooked and under-appreciated gift. We are all blessed with 24 hours each and every day, yet how many of these hours are spent doing things that truly matter to you - that fill your heart with joy and happiness? That light you up? Life is short and unpredictable, yet we sometimes live our lives as if tomorrow is somehow guaranteed; putting off the joy of living and feeling bogged down by all the things we have to do!
Think of this question for a moment. If you were to whizz forward twenty years from now, and look back at your life… would you be happy with the choices you made? Would you feel regret? Is there something or someone you lost that you would have fought harder for? Would you have spent your time in the way you have? Giving you my best "wonder woman" pose above find out why it boosts confidence in this article! So, here you are, waiting for a phone call after an important business meeting. Maybe it was an interview for your dream job. Maybe it was an appointment with a potential partner. Whatever it is, you’re waiting, and you still haven’t received a phone call. So, quite naturally, you wonder why they didn’t call you back. More importantly, you are worried that you did something wrong and you’d like to know what it was so that you can avoid it next time. While there are a variety of reasons that could explain why the opportunity didn’t go any further, most of them can be divided into four big categories.
If you feel like your career is stagnating, returning to school might be just the thing you need to do. It's not just about giving you the qualifications you need to stand out, but also helping you to realize what you want to do. I went back to get my MBA in 2012, a decade after I had been practicing law. I will tell you that going back to school was invigorating and got me excited about my career again. Before you make that decision, you might want to consider a four factors for deciding if going back to school that are outlined here.
About MELM.E.L. is an attorney and small business entrepreneur whose mission is to help professionals conquer the workaday world with style and poise. POPULAR BLOG POSTS
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