A black Chanel caviar leather bag was a dream dream dream bag of mine. It was not just the name Chanel but the quality behind the name. I wanted a bag that could stand the test of time and the wear and tear that I give to the bags I use everyday for work and travel. I don't know about you, but the price tag of a Chanel scared me to death. In fact, I have never bought a "new" Chanel bag - I have always bought them pre-loved. If you have yet to find your favorite Chanel or just don't want to stomach the Chanel price tag, I found nine great quality, real leather, quilted bags in classic styles that can stand up to any road test.
You can see from these pics that this single flap, black caviar leather Chanel jumbo went with me all over New York City for February 2019 fashion week! It was the perfect size and blended perfectly into my look. But if the price tag on even a pre-loved Chanel still give you sticker shock - I get it - then check out my nine black, quilted leather bags to give Chanel a run for the money.
Each one of the bags I selected have a quilted pattern, are real leather, and have a classic style. So this is the not the post for you if you are looking for "trending" bags. These are definitely classics but each of these can last year after year as these classic styles will always be en vogue. And did I mention that all my picks are under $500! Yes!! Just click on the pictures to be taken to these fabulous bags that will leave your wallet much fatter than a Chanel!
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About MELM.E.L. is an attorney and small business entrepreneur whose mission is to help professionals conquer the workaday world with style and poise. POPULAR BLOG POSTS
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