Student loans and school time income only goes so far. And you may not be near your usual job on a break. So, here are some quick tips to make extra summer money when school's out. Put Your Skills to Good UseLike most people, there's probably something you are really good at and love to do. This could be your hobby. But you may not know you can make money from your hobby. For example, you can hold a local guitar building school for younger kids if you love music. Or you can help other people save some cash by offering PC building or laptop repair classes from your parents' garage. Local community centers are also great ways to reach out to people where you live.
Help Other Students Do WellOther kids often need help with their work. In the UK alone, one survey found that 25% of school kids aged 11 and over pay for extra tuition. But not all families can afford this. This is where you come in. You can tutor other kids who need help but don't have the funds. Their parents will be more than happy to pay you a few bucks for helping their kid achieve more or understand a subject better. And it also reinforces and enhances your own knowledge as well. Make Extra Summer Money with a BlogYou would be forgiven for thinking that blogging is dead, given that everyone is either making vlogs or streaming these days. Of course, using platforms like Twitch and YouTube can make you some money. But not everyone likes the camera. And you might find you are a good writer when you start a blog. Making money from a blog takes some time. But it is possible if you are dedicated to a regular publishing routine, unique content, and a good understanding of SEO. Get Paid for Going to FestivalsSummer is the season of music and other types of festivals. And you can get paid for going. Well, not as a guest. But you can find work for festivals in security, promotions, and working at the bar. You may also be able to volunteer for medical work too. Of course, you will be working. But there will be downtime, and you can then get to see some acts while getting paid for it. Just remember why you are there, or your pay can be withheld for doing a poor job and slacking off. Make Some Furry FriendsThere are tens of millions of domesticated cats and dogs in countries like the USA and the UK. And people often treat their pets like children. This includes pet sitting and taking them out. And this can also pay good money, with genuine business opportunities. For example, you can take advantage of people taking summer vacations by offering to look after pets while they are away. And this can even tie into your blogging skills by offering your services through your website. SummaryThere are many ways you can make extra money while away from school. You can offer classes based on skills and hobbies, begin a new blog with the extra time, and look after pets for others.
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About MELM.E.L. is an attorney and small business entrepreneur whose mission is to help professionals conquer the workaday world with style and poise. POPULAR BLOG POSTS
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