The beauty industry, like every industry, has its ugly parts, but if you don’t mind having something that ultimately means you make feel and look amazing - then it might just be for you. Often we jump into a career path before we know what it really is that we want from life. Over time though, we might find our passion, and for many people, wellness, therapies, and beauty come to the forefront.
Life’s too short to be in a job you don’t like and if you find yourself dreading waking up every Monday morning and counting down the hours until you can clock off, chances are that you’re in the wrong field. If this is the case, it’s about time you began searching for a new position. It could be that you like your job but you are in the wrong company, that you like the field you’re in but want to try something new, or perhaps you just want to totally switch up your job. No matter what it is, if you want some advice on finding your perfect career, we have put together some top tips to help you do just that.
In today's world of digital communication, more stories are being brought to light by citizen journalists. They are the ones with a keen eye for a story, an insatiable curiosity, and the audacity to bring overlooked issues to the public's attention. Using the tools now increasingly available to a wider range of people, journalists without the backing of a media empire can get to the heart of stories people want to hear. If you've ever thought about joining the ranks of video journalists, you're in the right place. This guide will take you through the steps to become a video journalist and give you an inside look at the tools, techniques, and ethical considerations of the trade.
There may be many reasons why you are looking for a different position or to work at a new company. While it can feel overwhelming initially, there are steps you can take to ensure a smooth transition and experience for yourself.
You need to be focused on the right actions and areas and be committed to persevering even when you are turned down for a role along the way. Here we’ll cover what to do when you’re looking for a new job so you can succeed and find a good fit for yourself. Student loans and school time income only goes so far. And you may not be near your usual job on a break. So, here are some quick tips to make extra summer money when school's out.
If you suspect that now is the time for you to make a career change but do not want to jump from the frying pan and into the fire then this is completely understandable. That being said, if you stay in a situation that doesn’t make you happy, then this will work against you. You may find that you are not able to progress and that you end up stagnating from a professional point of view. If you are ready to make a change, then this guide will help you to make the right decisions.
The freelance developer life is an exciting and ever-changing one. It can be a great way to make a living, but it's not without its challenges. In this post, we'll cover everything you need to know about being a successful freelance developer, from finding work to navigating the ups and downs of the gig economy. Let’s take a look.
Are you in search of your dream job? Do you want to find a job that is both rewarding and fulfilling? Landing your dream job can feel like an uphill battle, but it doesn't have to be. If you know exactly what you want to be doing with your life, then you really deserve to be already doing it. And as much as it can feel intimidating — you don’t have to let the imposter syndrome win! With the right strategies, you can maximize your chances of success and landing your dream job. So in this blog post, we’re going to go over seven tips to help you land your dream job. Let’s take a look.
It is a well-known fact that the layout and design of your classroom or laboratory can have an impact on learning, teaching, and working. That is why it is important to create an environment that supports both productivity and comfort. Here Are 11 tips for designing your classroom or laboratory for maximum effectiveness below.
Becoming a music artist is an ambition that many people aspire to, but it is not an easy career path to take. Pursuing this field requires talent, hard work, dedication, and perseverance. In addition to these qualities, there are also numerous other considerations that you should make before deciding if this is the right career path for you.
About MELM.E.L. is an attorney and small business entrepreneur whose mission is to help professionals conquer the workaday world with style and poise. POPULAR BLOG POSTS
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