Everyone knows that making a secondary source of income is a fantastic way to get more financial freedom. Having an alternate flow of money makes it easy for you to save up for more expensive purchases and can actually give you more job security. Having a side-hustle is a fantastic way to secure an alternate source of income, but there are many considerations to keep in mind and also ways to optimize your cash flow. In this article, we’ll be discussing five reasons why your side hustle’s website isn’t as great as you think it is and how you can improve it for more profit and more exposure. 1. You’re forgetting social media widgets
You see those share buttons on content all over the internet? Those are essential in making it easier for your audience to share your content. It sounds basic and simple, but many people don’t realize just how much these share widgets are used. They’re simple to install on all websites and they’re an easy way to boost your exposure. If you don’t already have social media accounts either, then make sure you set them up and add links to your own social media so people know where to follow you. 2. The content on your site is poor Content generation is hard - especially if you are doing your site on your own. One idea is to help with quality content generation is to hire a professional writing service to help you create the best website content you can get. Trying to do all of your content on your own is time-consuming and you might not have the best skills to achieve it. It needs to be free of plagiarism, it needs to be high-quality and also relevant to the topics you want to discuss. So whether you’re writing blog posts, product descriptions or even a privacy policy, make sure you get the right content on your site. 3. Your website isn’t optimized for mobile One of the biggest problems with websites today is that many of them aren’t optimized for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets. This is actually where a large majority of web users access the internet. That is why it is so important to include optimization for mobile devices. Your websites might look broken or simply not work if you don’t keep mobile users in mind, and this can put many customers off. Also make sure to check your load time - no one likes waiting for pages to load. You can also use analytics to see where your traffic is coming from - that will help you edit your site accordingly to best serve your readers. 4. The navigation on your website is confusing Navigating around a website should be easy. You should have simple links to major categories and then subcategories that stem off those. As a rule of thumb, you should never need to click more than twice to reach the information you need. The last thing you want is customers navigating a labyrinth of links just to reach their destination, so make sure you get yourself a good website layout and plan accordingly. 5. You don’t know the purpose of your site Even if your website is just to show your contact information it’s important that you have a purpose for it. Failing to have a purpose for your website ultimately leads to a pointless waste of time, effort and money. Remember that websites do require money to keep running and you need to have a reason for running it. We have talked a lot about this but constantly going back to your purpose will help you be a good editor of your website and all your content. From the web experts, we want to hear your tips to optimize our websites!
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About MELM.E.L. is an attorney and small business entrepreneur whose mission is to help professionals conquer the workaday world with style and poise. POPULAR BLOG POSTS
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