If you have sensitive skin you need to be really careful what you do and do not put on said skin if you want to avoid the inevitable burning, itching, and redness that is a part of your condition. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some important beauty mistakes you should try not to make if you want to avoid adding to your irritation: 1. Not doing a patch test
Before you put anything on or near your skin, whether it be hair dye, high-quality tattoo stencil solution, premium makeup, or even deodorant, do a little path test. Put a small amount on a small part of your skin and watch for any reactions. If after an hour or two, your skin is not irritated, you know that it is probably safe to apply the full amount. 2. Not using gentler products If you have sensitive skin, then you need to make sure that you are buying the gentlest formulations you can whenever you buy any beauty products at all. Most formulations will tell you that they are gentle or suitable for sensitive skin, so it is just a matter of reading the labels and making the right choices. 3. Using products containing retinoid Products containing retinoids are great for the average person’s skin because they help to stimulate collagen production and create a more youthful appearance. However, if you have sensitive skin, it can cause redness and peeling which is far from ideal. Luckily, you should be able to use retinaldehyde instead. This is a precursor to retinoid and acts in much the same way, without the harshness of the latter. Look for beauty products containing this if you are looking to plump your skin and turn back the clock on your appearance. 4. Believing natural ingredients are always safe Many people who have sensitive skin think that using natural beauty ingredients is the way to avoid redness, itching, and flareups. This can work out well, but it is not always the case and many people find even benign ingredients like olive and coconut oil can cause redness and burning. As ever, do a patch test to see if your natural products are safe or not before you use them as part of your beauty regime. 5. Not using mineral sunscreen Mineral sunscreen tends to be less harsh than other sunscreens, which means, if you're doing the right thing and wearing your SPF protection each day, you should be looking for mineral formulations where possible. 6. Using too many beauty products If you have sensitive skin, there is a lot to be said for using as few beauty products as you can. That doesn’t mean you need to throw all of your makeup in the trash but try to find ways to achieve the look you like with less and your skin will thank you for it. Avoid these common beauty mistakes and you should be able to take better care of your sensitive skin, and hopefully avoid that itching, burning, and redness, most of the time, at least.
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About MELM.E.L. is an attorney and small business entrepreneur whose mission is to help professionals conquer the workaday world with style and poise. POPULAR POSTS
February 2024